
发布时间:04/09/2024 17:05:19


Pre-announcement of International Consultation for Conceptual Planning and Design of Golden Inner Bay


一、工作背景 Working Background


  Building Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) is a major national strategy that General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned, deployed and promoted. In 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping re-positioned GBA as a “strategic fulcrum of new development pattern, demonstration area of high-quality development, and leading area of Chinese modernization”. At the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, it was mentioned that we need to better harness the strategic guiding role of national development plans, bolster the basic role of territorial space plans, and reinforce the supporting role of subject-specific plans and regional plans, and enable regions like the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, and the GBA to better play their roles as engines of high-quality development.


  At the 5th anniversary of the release of the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, it is adopted to develop the conceptual plan of the 100-kilometer Golden Inner Bay around the Perl River Estuary in GBA at the Work Focus for Guangdong Province to Advance the Construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in 2024. Guangdong Territorial Spatial Planning Association is going to organize the international consultation for Conceptual Planning and Design of Golden Inner Bay as the host, and invite planning and design institutions with relevant working experiences around the world to participate for more productive and innovative schemes with international first-class standards, which will lead the integrated and high-quality development around the Pearl River Estuary.

  二、咨询内容及范围 The Content and Scope of Consultation

  1. 咨询内容 Content


  This international consultation includes two parts: conceptual planning and urban design. The conceptual planning focuses on planning of key areas under the background of regional integration, reshaping of innovation space driven by industrial transformation and innovation, quality and image improvement of the city under Chinese modernization, and construction of resilient territorial space with the idea of ecological civilization... It plans the overall strategy and spatial framework, and puts forward key action plan and policy suggestions. Urban design schemes should focus on key areas for intercity cooperation or other key issues in Golden Inner Bay.

  2. 工作范围 Scope


  Conceptual planning covers the whole area of Golden Inner Bay, and the basic planning area covers parts of the six cities including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Dongguan and Zhongshan. Each team could suggest to optimize part of the basic planning area based on their research.

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Basic Planning Area of Golden Inner Bay (tentative)

 三、组织方式 Organization Method


  This international consultation will be officially announced in the near future, and the applicants shall submit the pre-qualification application documents as required. The host will set up a Pre-qualification Review Committee to comprehensively evaluate the company strength, relevant performance, design teams to be involved, concept proposals and other materials of the applicants who submit valid pre-qualification application documents. Six shortlisted teams (including consortia) will be selected to formally participate in this international consultation.

  四、资格条件要求 Qualification Requirements

  1. 申请单位(若为联合体,指联合体各方)是合法注册的独立法人或合伙制企业或其他组织,须提供有效的营业执照或注册登记证明。

  The applicant (if it is a consortium, it refers to the parties in the consortium) must be a legally registered independent legal person or partnership enterprise or other organization, and can provide a valid business license or registration certificate.

  2. 申请单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得同时以多个申请人名义参加。

  Applicants sharing the same president or with holding  or management relationships shall not participate in the consultation as multiple applicants at the same time.

  3. 申请单位(独立或联合体)须具备由中华人民共和国自然资源部颁发的城乡规划编制甲级资质。

  The applicant (independent or consortium) must hold the Grade A certificate of urban and rural planning issued by Ministry of Natural Resources of People’s Republic of China (PRC).

  4. 本项目接受联合体,以联合体形式申请的,联合体中至少有一家成员具备上述第3点的资质条件,联合体成员数量原则上不超过4家。鼓励由中国境内、境外规划设计团队以及交通、水利、景观、历史遗产、生态、产业等专项技术团队共同组成联合体参加。申请单位须提交联合体协议,并在协议中明确联合体的主体单位。联合体各成员签订《联合体协议书》后,不得再以自己名义单独申请,也不得组成新的联合体或参与其他联合体,否则资格无效。

  This consultation accepts consortia. If the application is submitted by a consortium, at least one member of the consortium has the qualifications mentioned in point 3 above, and the number of consortium members shall not exceed 4 in principle. We encourage local and overseas planning and design teams, special technical teams majoring in transportation, water conservancy, landscape, historical heritage, ecology, and industry to form a consortium to participate. Consortium Agreement shall be submitted for consortium application and the leading member shall be identified. Once the Consortium Agreement is signed, all members of the consortium shall not participate in the consultation in their own or participate in another consortium, otherwise their applications will be invalid.


  Note: The location of the design teams refers to the corporate industrial and commercial registration address of the headquarters (or its group headquarters).

  五、信息发布及预登记 Information Release and Pregistration

  1. 信息发布Information Release





  The official announcement of this international consultation will be released in the near future. Planning and design teams are welcome to participate actively. Please pay close attention to the updates of the following platforms:

  (1) The official website of Department of Natural Resources of Guangdong Province

  (2) The official website of Guangdong Territorial Spatial Planning Association

  All the contents involved in this pre-announcement shall be subject to the official announcement.

  2. 预登记Pre-registration



  预登记截止时间为2024年9月8日17:00。Interested planning and design teams are welcome to click on the link https://jsj.top/f/yYGP08 or scan the QR code below to fill in the information and register:

  The deadline for pre-registration is 17:00 on September 8, 2024.

  3. 特别提示 Special Notes


  This pre-registration does not serve as the basis for the formal pre-qualification application for this international consultation. The host reserves the right of final interpretation of the working rules of this international consultation. All information published in Chinese shall prevail.

  六、组织机构及联系方式 Organizations and Contacts

  1. 组织机构Organizations



  Host: Department of Natural Resources of Guangdong Province

  Co-organizer: Guangdong Territorial Spatial Planning Association

  2. 联系人及联系方式 Contacts




  Ms. Lin, 15626105610 (commercial consultation)

  Mr. Hu, 17620468306 (technical consultation)

  Email: hjnwgjzx@163.com 

